Do not sell my personal information

Your rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act - Do not sell my personal information notice

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) provides you with rights regarding how your data or personal information is treated. Under the legislation, California residents can choose to opt out of the “sale” of their personal information to third parties. Based on the CCPA definition, “sale” refers to data collection for the purpose of creating advertising and other communications. Learn more about CCPA and your privacy rights.

How to opt out

By clicking on the link below, we will no longer collect or sell your personal information. This applies to both third-parties and the data we collect to help personalize your experience on our website or through other communications. For more information, view our privacy policy.

(function() {function loadFeatureCallback(error) { if (error) { throw error; } const OPT_OUT_TEXT = 'Do not sell my personal information'; const OPT_IN_TEXT = 'Allow my data to be shared with third-parties'; const NOT_VISITING_FROM_CALIFORNIA_TEXT = 'To be eligible to opt-out, you must be browsing from California.' const node = document.getElementById('opt-out-p-id'); if (window.Shopify.customerPrivacy.getRegulation() === 'CCPA') { const a = document.createElement('a'); = 'opt-out-link'; a.href = '#'; let linkText; if (window.Shopify.customerPrivacy.getCCPAConsent() !== 'no') { a.setAttribute('data-consent', false); linkText = document.createTextNode(OPT_OUT_TEXT); a.title = OPT_OUT_TEXT; } else { a.setAttribute('data-consent', true); linkText = document.createTextNode(OPT_IN_TEXT); a.title = OPT_IN_TEXT; } a.addEventListener('click', setCCPAConsent); a.appendChild(linkText); node.appendChild(a); } else { node.innerText = NOT_VISITING_FROM_CALIFORNIA_TEXT; } } function setCCPAConsent(event) { const consentString = event.srcElement.getAttribute('data-consent'); const consent = consentString === 'true' ? true : false; window.Shopify.customerPrivacy.setCCPAConsent(consent, setConsentCallback); } function setConsentCallback() { const CLICK_FEEDBACK_TEXT = 'Preferences updated'; document.getElementById('opt-out-link').remove(); document.getElementById('opt-out-p-id').innerText = CLICK_FEEDBACK_TEXT; } function ccpaOptOutLoader() { window.Shopify.loadFeatures( [ { name: 'consent-tracking-api', version: '0.1', }, ], loadFeatureCallback, ); } ccpaOptOutLoader();})()

Thank you for submitting the Lace Wig cleaning form!

Keeping Those Lace Wigs Feeling Fresh & Fabulous!

Our cleaning service, priced between $60 and $80, includes reviving your lace wig and removing all residue from the lace. 

After the cleaning process, it is the responsibility of the lace wig wearer to maintain the hair by conditioning it weekly.

Caring for your lace wig can be challenging, requiring daily and weekly maintenance. Let the experts at Mrs. Gwen Hair & Accessories handle the care for you. We specialize in reviving 100% human hair lace wigs of any grade, from 6A to 12A, through our advanced cleaning process. It's essential to note that all grades of human hair demand proper care, regardless of their quality.

Before accepting your lace wig, we meticulously inspect it for holes, shedding, knots, and tangles. Payment for the service must be made in full before collecting your lace wig. All lace wigs should be dropped off at our office and promptly picked up after the service is complete.

Please be aware that lace wigs showing excessive shedding, matting, bald spots, or knots will not be accepted for cleaning. Additionally, prices for our services are subject to change without prior notice.

Take pictures of the inside and outside of your wig and submit them to us using our online form. We will notify you as soon as the service is complete.

Please note that lace wigs left with us for more than 30 days will not be our responsibility. We will contact you via call, text, and/or email once your lace wig is ready for pick-up. Failure to collect your lace wig within 90 days will result in its disposal without explanation or reimbursement.

Refunds are not provided for the cleaning service. If we determine that your lace wig is not suitable for revival, we will inform you before proceeding.

Payment is due at the time of drop off.

CashApp: $GwenBossHair

Zelle: 817-966-6199

Thank you for your t-shirt request. If there's any questions I will contact you. 

Cash App 817-966-6199

Zelle 817-966-6199

picture #1: "TEXAS HOLD'EM  "

picture #2:  "Juneteenth Celebration Thank Us"


